Ryan Pankau from University of Illinois Extension shows ciLiving host, Jaclyn Friedlander how to properly prune trees.
"However, understanding the fruiting habit of your tree can help you prune more effectively to ensure a good crop." On how ...
You can prune your Christmas cactus plants anytime from the time they finish blooming up until about May. Prune the plants as ...
While the cherry blossom tree is easy to grow, regular pruning is crucial for the tree's overall health and aesthetic.
UK households with beech or hazel trees and hedges in their garden have been issued a warning to carry out a vital task this ...
JEA starts tree trimming in Atlantic Beach for safety and reliability, with an online map of affected areas available.
Trees on public land, like pavements, belong to the city and if tampered with or felled can result in fines costing hundreds of thousands of rands depending on the value attached to the tree.