I can't believe I'm about to complain about treasure goblins in Diablo 4. Why would anyone mind them? They are loot on legs: twisted little demons who spew fountains of treasure if you catch them ...
Looking to complete Going Goblin Mode quickly in World of Warcraft? Here's a complete guide to the achievement, including ...
Diablo 4 brings back the March of the Goblins event with a few new wrinkles including a progression track and all new Treasure Goblins to hunt down.
There’s a Goblin statue in Kyovashad that you can visit to kick off your journey. The more Treasure Goblins you slay, the more reputation you’re going to earn. This is all pretty standard ...
Diablo 4 has another event on the horizon, but with some (permanent) inclusions to the title that may look a little familiar. Yes, the March of the Goblins ...
Diablo 4 is adding some all-new Goblins starting next week with a new event. There are six new Goblin variants on the way starting March 4th at 10:00 a.m. PT through March 11th at 10:00 a.m. this ...
The more goblins you kill, the greater the rewards. While this event is going on, players will see an increased number of Treasure Goblins, more Greed Shrines, and an increase of Treasure Goblins ...
You’ve got plenty of time to finish the March of the Goblins event in Diablo 4, but this guy did it in just an hour.
From March 4-11, the goblin invasion of Sanctuary will begin once more, with an increased chance of finding treasure goblins and greed shrines throughout the game's world. Unlike last year's March ...