Over the course of 46 years, "Star Trek" has released 14 films; from 1979's "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" to this year's ...
George R.R. Martin may be best known for keeping A Song of Ice and Fire fans waiting, but his influence stretches far beyond ...
I'm still in awe of the way JJ Abrams managed to include Leonard Nimoy's Prime Universe version of Spock in 2009's Star Trek ...
William Shatner, who became the oldest person to travel to space at age 90, is offering encouragement and practical advice to Gayle King and the all-female crew launching April 14.
Master Replicas announced a new collection of Star Trek Starships, available in July. Under license from Paramount Consumer ...
But many original Starfleet members are still with us, living long and prospering. Though not always enthused about the ...