Nicole Hatchett said: “Those are jimmies. Sprinkles are ROUND.” Jahzay Butler says, “They're both sprinkles born and raised ...
Chef Burgess adds that she aimed for an amped-up version of rainbow jimmies. Homemade sprinkles won’t have the same texture because they aren’t wax-coated, but they’ll still make a great ...
Meghan Markle, the actor-turned-royal-turned-jam-guru, achieved a knockout blow against her extremely vocal army of internet ...
A wee little leprechaun asked for something sweet, and these St. Patrick's Day Cookies have a surprise mint center. This ...
Emma Baumbeck was in line for her first Page's opening day, wearing a hooded sweatshirt in the colder temperatures to order vanilla soft serve in a cup with rainbow sprinkles, or "jimmies" as ...
Jimmy John's is giving away $1 million worth ... velvet cookies with cream cheese frosting in between and topped with sprinkles.
Two of high school basketball’s brightest stars took home their sports’ highest individual honors Sunday as Sacred Heart’s ...
The second vote is between "jimmies", which described ... though some people use the term exclusively for chocolate sprinkles, and "rotary", a traffic pattern Rhode Islanders ...