The Incredible Hulk animated series from the 1990s proffered a litany of classic quotations from Hulk, his supporting ...
Ghost Rider's minifigure design, complete with his flaming skull, stands out as one of LEGO's more unique interpretations.
Born Again, for most of its run, feels self-contained, with little shoutouts to the wider MCU. The second episode of the ...
A long with capes and fighting crime, one of the defining features of the superhero is a sidekick - and while the Hulk may ...
This probably won't come as much of a surprise, but we are hearing that Charlize Theron will reprise her Doctor Strange in ...
With so many death fakeouts and surprise revivals, it doesn't feel like there are any stakes in Invincible, even after Rex's ...
Disney+'s Daredevil: Born Again is the long-awaited continuation of lawyer-slash-vigilante Matt Murdock ( Charlie Cox )'s ...
Born Again continues adapting the "Devil's Reign" storyline with season 2, then what direction could a third batch of ...
Despite the poor start, “Heaven’s Half Hour” is gripping television, dropping viewers new and old right into a masterclass of ...
Secret Wars, the main Marvel Universe and the Ultimate Universe collide once more. Here's what to know about Miles Morales ...
The art of kayfabe is to make wrestlers' actions feel justified. The following moves made zero sense and WWE wrestlers looked ...
Women’s anger against everyday injustices has seeped into pop culture, from films and Reels to music and literature. Yet ...