Shoes with teeth. Shoes with soles at right angles. Shoes made from two shoes. Shintaro Yamamoto is the footwear Dr. Frankenstein behind them all. By Jacob Gallagher Like the tagline of a horror ...
On the verge of graduating high school, two cisgender boys pretend to be transgender to get into the girl’s locker room. It sounds like a ferocious right wing fever dream (not all that different ...
Our writers dig deep into the Strategist’s archives to surface the best things we’ve already written about and recommended in a single category. Read more here. There are many Strategist ...
About this data The size of Moura is approximately 408.3 square kilometres. It has 9 parks covering nearly 0.2% of total area. The population of Moura in 2011 was 1,898 people. By 2016 the population ...
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