The novelist who died in 2007 wrote novels for more than 50 years, while also drawing on the side. Drexel opened an exhibition of two dozen.
Life is hard even without all the headaches that crop up on the daily, from aching muscles to messes at home. If you’re ...
Leonard Peikoff dedicated his life to promoting the author’s vision of freedom and self-determination. But at what cost?
Rennie heads to Thailand to rediscover a love of off-road riding and of the Southeast Asian culture with Thailand Moto Tours.
The U.S. and China are racing to build a truly useful humanoid worker. Whoever wins could gain an edge in countless labor-intensive industries.
Figure 02's human-like gait is the product of the company's simulated reinforcement learning system, and is just the beginning of its plans to make its robots perform physical tasks more naturally.