California native James Nestor suggests that breathing correctly and efficiently could potentially prevent a host of chronic ...
Pain or discomfort in the chest (front or back) The chest includes from the top to the bottom of the rib cage Chest pains in children lasting for a few minutes are usually harmless. The pain can be ...
The following were performed: chest X-ray, which showed elevation of the right hemidiaphragm; respiratory function tests, which revealed mild restrictive lung disease; and ultrasound of the diaphragm, ...
Unlike a hacking cough that uses the chest muscles, controlled coughing focuses on stabilizing the core muscles and using the diaphragm. There are two common methods of controlled coughing to clear ...
Objective Determine the immediate effect of forced expiration technique (FET) on the respiratory mechanics of children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis (CF). As a secondary objective, the effect ...