Nidderdale husband and wife, Rob and Sarah Marshall, Dacre, not only stood worthy champions, but also set a new record high ...
Cattle trade continues apace at CCM Skipton, the latest fortnightly midweek sale producing solid returns across all sectors, notably for young feeding bulls, which moved to yet another level when ...
For the week ending March 22, Western Canadian feeder cattle markets traded steady to $5 higher on average. Higher quality ...
Show day attracted a solid turnout of 89 calves, all Blue-x bulls selling above £410 to an overall average of £673. Plenty of ...
Malcolm Flynn, 72, was knocked to the ground, trampled and kicked in the head when he used a public footpath in 2020.
North of Calgary, Limousin mixed heifers carrying lighter butter averaging 910 pounds supposedly traded for $335. At the Ste. Rose Auction in Manitoba, medium to larger frame red steers evaluated at ...
Southeast of Edmonton, black wide frame Limousin steers carrying medium to lighter flesh levels with a mean weight of 700 pounds were valued at $440. In the same region, red Simmental blended heifers ...
Red barns have become a symbol of the farming heritage and a reminder of the practical and resourceful nature of early ...
Customers were plentiful for the top-end bulls at the Irish Charolais Cattle Society's Premier Show and Sale at Elphin Mart ...
Sale at the ranch south of Sidney, MT Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar Averages106 Yearling Bulls $6,80053 Age-Advantaged Bulls ...