POLLEN: Pollen is what triggers Romeo’s allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen can cause swelling and itching. A dog’s ...
Police have arrested a man who claimed that he forgot he had tethered a dog to his vehicle before taking off and driving in South Windsor on Monday, leading to the animal suffering significant road ...
The dog, which officials say should make a full recovery, suffered road rash to his paws and belly, officers said.
A man was arrested Monday in South Windsor on animal cruelty charges after he allegedly dragged his dog behind his vehicle. Tre S. Patrizz, 26, of Andover, was taken into custody when police responded ...
Patrizz took the dog, a gray pit bull ... The pit bull suffered “significant road rash” to his underbelly and paws, police said. The injuries did not appear life-threatening.
The dog has significant road rash to his underbelly and paws, and is expected to recover. Patrizz stated that he forgot the dog was tethered to the vehicle.
The dog has significant road rash to his underbelly and paws, authorities said. His injuries do not appear to be life-threatening and he is expected to make a full recovery after long-term bandage ...
The dog suffered road rash to his underbelly and paws but will “likely” make a full recovery after long term bandaging and pain management, officers said. The dog’s owner is being held on a ...