The 3.7-billion-year-old formations in the planet's Gale Crater suggest the presence of long-gone bodies of liquid water, ...
The area containing the clay-bearing mounds is geologically connected to Oxia Planum, which is where Rosalind Franklin will ...
The car-sized Curiosity rover has spotted evidence of once quite hospitable environs on Mars.
Thousands of mysterious clay mounds found on Mars were formed by ancient water on the Red Planet's barren northern plains, ...
NASA was formed in 1958 "to provide for research into problems of flight within and outside the Earth's atmosphere, and for ...
Mars helicopter Ingenuity appears to be missing rotor blades in Perseverance rover imagery captured. The rover's SuperCam ...
The United States will once again consider itself a growing nation, one that increases our wealth, expands our territory, ...
What's more, the southern rocks are magnetized (suggesting they date to an ancient era when Mars had a global magnetic field) ...
NASA recently released an overhead view of what appears to be massive kidney beans found on Mars' northern hemisphere. In ...
Images of Mars taken from orbit show thousands of mounds in a region sculpted by water billions of years ago. A robotic ...
Living on Mars will be no easy feat. Building viable living quarters would require an inflatable habitat that can be covered ...
In what could be compared to Elon Musk’s Space X’s efforts to build a new colony on Mars, men in boats arrived on the edge of ...