A pair of peregrine falcons have laid a clutch of eggs in downtown Rochester, and audiences can tune in to their livestream ...
Additional sites may be added or removed from the list which will be updated and provided on VT Fish and Wildlife’s website. The peregrine falcon population plummeted due to the use of chemical ...
(WDRB) -- Louisville Gas and Electric and Kentucky Utilities are relaunching the live camera for the peregrine falcon nesting season. The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife have nesting ...
The energy company's falcon camera at the Mill Creek Generating Station is live, and there's an egg in the nesting box! Diana ...
Whether you’re looking for fluffy baby falcons or just want to see how crowded it is at your favourite beach before you hit ...
A heads-up for hikers: The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department said it is closing a number of clifftops and overlooks to protect the state's peregrine falcon population during nesting season.
"Buildings and their owners/managers have played an important role in the successful recovery of Peregrine falcons in New Jersey ... with the direction of an NJDEP Fish and Wildlife zoologist ...
WHITE PELICANS (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) are a normal springtime sighting of big birds as the spring season continues to ...
In the fall, after the plovers migrate to the Atlantic and Gulf coasts in the United States, monitors help prepare the ...
Kathy Quimbach was a nongame information specialist for the state's Division of Fish and Wildlife, and part of her job ...