In the February 13 Nature, Zahra Mamdouh and colleagues describe how membrane targeting of the endothelial cell adhesion molecule PECAM plays a role in leukocyte migration (Nature, 421:748-753, ...
Chronic liver disease is a cluster of disorders associated with complex haemodynamic alterations, which is characterised by structural and functional disruptions of the intrahepatic and extrahepatic ...
Sepsis is defined as life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection. While many individual cells and systems in the body are involved in driving the excessive ...
Objectives In this study, we employ a multiomic approach to identify major cell types and subsets, and their transcriptomic profiles within the infrapatellar fat pad (IFP), and to determine ...
Similarly, coatings with CD31 analogs are being explored for neurovascular implants. While there are conceptually different approaches to reducing DAPT-associated complications (figure 1, table 1), ...
Study conducted at Fundação Alfredo da Matta (FUAM) - Manaus (AM), Brazil. Financial support: None. Teaching and Research Sector - Fundação Alfredo da Matta (FUAM) - Manaus (AM), Brazil.Fundação ...
Venules express various molecular markers, such as PECAM-1, VE-cadherin, ICAM-1, and VEGFR, that are crucial for their functions and identification (48). Compared to arterioles, the hemodynamics ...
National Engineering Research Center for Nanomedicine, College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, P. R. China Drug Research Program, Division ...