Intr-o declaratie politica, deputatul valcean PSD Stefan Ovidiu Popa sustine transant ca parlamentarii social-democrati nu au nicio obligatie sa voteze viitorul Guvern propus de liberali. Mai mult ...
Pe așa-numita „listă a lui Dughin”, apărută în presă după ce gruparea de hackeri Humpty Dumpty a spart contul de e-mail al unui colaborator apropiat al lui Aleksandr Dughin, George Gavrisha, s-au mai ...
După ce anunțase inițial că se gândește să participe, premierul ungar Viktor Orban, susținător al lui Trump, nu va ajunge în cele din urmă la ceremonie din cauza unor chestiuni de agendă. Orban va ...
Orban, an ally of US President Donald Trump, said in statements on state radio that his government was going "line by line" through organizations operating in Hungary that have received financial ...
Campioana României, FCSB, a reușit o victorie importantă în prima manșă a play-off-ului Ligii Europa, impunându-se cu 2-1 în fața lui PAOK Salonic, echipa antrenată de Răzvan Lucescu.
Află ce mănâncă zilnic un medic endocrinolog pentru a-și menține sănătatea și a ajunge la 100 de ani. Alegerea alimentelor ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s hopes that a strong economy will propel his Fidesz party to another election victory in 2026 are being challenged by a rebound in inflation, sagging ...
There’s an overwhelming amount of news, but not enough context. At Vox, we do things differently. We’re not focused on being the first to break stories — we’re focused on helping you ...
Orban said in a Facebook post that his government was planning to provide a grant of 3 million forints ($7,683) per person in rural areas to help them renovate their homes.
The European Union is facing another potential showdown with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban over his refusal to sign off on an extension of sanctions on Russia over its war against Ukraine.
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungary's government will offer free grants to hundreds of thousands of pensioners in rural areas to renovate their homes, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Wednesday as the ...
BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Hungary will take legal action to eliminate non-governmental organizations and media outlets operating in the country that receive funding from the United States and ...