Orban, an ally of US President Donald Trump, said in statements on state radio that his government was going "line by line" through organizations operating in Hungary that have received financial ...
Campioana României, FCSB, a reuÈ™it o victorie importantă în prima manșă a play-off-ului Ligii Europa, impunându-se cu 2-1 în faÈ›a lui PAOK Salonic, echipa antrenată de Răzvan Lucescu.
Află ce mănâncă zilnic un medic endocrinolog pentru a-È™i menÈ›ine sănătatea È™i a ajunge la 100 de ani. Alegerea alimentelor ...
The event featured Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Italian deputy premier Matteo Salvini, as well as the leaders of France's National Rally (RN), Marine Le Pen, and the Netherlands' PVV ...
Orban, Le Pen Hail Trump at Far-Right 'Patriots' Summit in Madrid By David Latona MADRID (Reuters) - Leaders of far-right parties in the European Parliament's third-largest voting bloc, Patriots ...
Hungary has become a target of the international globalist elite because it has successfully resisted immigration, defended Christian culture, and upheld the traditional family model, Balazs Orban ...
De aceea am spus într-o postare pe TikTok că îmi voi pune la dispoziÈ›ia lui Călin Gheorgescu, dacă va fi lăsat să candideze, toată expertiza mea colosală pe care o am în aceste domenii", a afirmat ...
PM Viktor Orban with Hungarian students at a market in Madrid As previously reported by Magyar Nemzet, the Hungarian PM is in Madrid for the Patriots for Europe congress, taking place on February 8.
So your right-wing authoritarian populist just got back into office? They’ve been there.
OÈ›elul GalaÈ›i È™i Rapid BucureÈ™ti au terminat la egalitate, scor 1-1, meciul disputat în etapa cu numarul 26 din SuperLiga.
So many skeletons are falling out of the closet at such a rate, that we can hardly step around them, Balazs Orban wrote in his social media post. Since Donald Trump's inauguration, he has been ...
Sorin Ovidiu Vintu a afirmat, în repetate rânduri, că este speculant financiar, fără a se preocupa de alte tipuri de business-uri. Unul dintre ele, cel de media, a fost însă obligat să È™i-l asume după ...