You can mount rockets on your 'thopter which will help "when you’re dealing with other ornithopters in the sky," says Funcom.
Awakening trailer, exploring the desert planet of Arrakis. Prepare to traverse the most dangerous planet in the Dune universe, from climbing the highest peaks to flying the iconic Ornithopter in this ...
Funcom also introduced some digital postcards—as if anyone will be vacationing on Arrakis, but they are a nice touch to get ...
Awakening to stay unpredictable. Arrakis changes weekly so you won't ever really have a full picture of the world's map. Things change out here and you'll need to change with them to survive. It's ...
"Is there any way to shoot rockets or guns out of Ornithopters?" The answer is yes, and what's more, you can shoot down other 'thopters. Air-to-air combat in Dune: Awakening confirmed ...
Software that artificially re-creates aircraft flight and the environment in which it flies.