If you have an old coin collection or a jar of pennies ... will help you spot the treasures among these one-cent coins. The ...
Check Out: 3 Coins From the 1950s That Are Worth a Lot of Money Another example of things getting interesting for little old Wheat Pennies. The 1909-S. Here’s the story with this one ...
Then, in the early 1900s, President Abraham Lincoln replaced Liberty on the penny, bringing a new reverse design complete with wheat. It’s the wheat that could help you garner some green from ...
A Lincoln Wheat Penny released in circulation during the last century became globally significant based on its price tag of $121 million. The penny issued between 1909 and 1958 functions as tax money ...
Now that the U.S will no longer produce pennies, the value has skyrocketed! If you are anything like me, you have pennies all ...
Jesse told Newsweek: "I spent at least an hour in the unit, hunched over, counting the coins and figuring out what was what." ...