On its maiden voyage in 1628, the most powerful warship in the Baltic, the Vasa, was afloat only minutes before capsizing in front of stunned onlookers in the city's harbor. Hundreds of years ...
Reidar Särestöniemen juhlavuosi alkaa kahdella suurella näyttelyllä Kittilässä ja Rovaniemellä. Esillä on kymmeniä yksityisten ihmisten omistamia tauluja, joista osa ei ole ollut koskaan näytillä.
When know-it-alls stick their noses where they don’t belong things usually doesn’t end well. Management science gives this problem a name: “Vasa syndrome.” In Sweden, schoolchildren learn the story of ...
Museo National del Prado, Madrid ... There are also lots of vivid and moving stories from everyday people whose lives were devastated by the war. The Vasa Museum, Stockholm, Sweden. This museum, ...
KAYSVILLE, Utah — It's been about three weeks since a camera was found in a tanning room at the VASA Fitness in Kaysville. "It’s shocking and its hard, but you got to just take it one step at ...