As the global population ages, preventing functional decline and the need for long-term care for older adults becomes urgent.
Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University have developed a cutting-edge method to identify muscle activity in densely ...
After every meal, the intestines perform an action called peristalsis - moving food through their hollow interiors with coordinated contractions and relaxations of the smooth muscle.
Scientists have identified a protein sensor in intestinal neurons that responds to pressure, inflammation to stimulate the colon.
I write a lot about both brain health and fitness for work. Coffee might be great for both, I’ve learned; I’ve also been ...
Want to take your athletic performance to the next level? Plyometric exercises are the secret to developing explosive muscle ...
Engineered starfish oocytes shape-shift in response to light, may enable the design of synthetic, light-activated cells for ...
This guide explores how magnesium impacts sleep, muscle recovery, and stress levels, its best dietary sources, ...
Geri Jewell — who famously raised visibility for people with cerebral palsy when she played Blair’s cousin Geri on the 1980s ...
Orgasm is one of the most talked-about aspects of sex, yet it remains an area of mystery for many. Complex biological, ...
Being overtired is also a common reason why people can experience hypnic jerks. Interestingly, sleeping in an uncomfortable ...
If this light-activated stuff works, it could make building robots easier - or make lazing about under the Sun quite a ...