iRobot semble finalement vouloir s'attaquer à la concurrence chinoise avec ses nouveaux robots. Avec un LiDAR, des ...
C'est actuellement le meilleur rapport qualité / prix de notr... il y a 1 an NEWS : Robot pâtissier News labo — La pâtisserie devient plus accessible avec l’I-Coach Touch de Moulinex et son ...
Dans la vie d’un élève, l’entrée en 6e est un cap. Finie la petite école, bienvenue aux changements de profs et de salles, et ...
En plein été 2003, alors que la canicule étouffait Saint-Martin-de-Ré, Audrey Texier, 16 ans, aidait ses parents au marché. Lors de son retour, le drame se déclenche : son corps mutilé est retrouvé su ...
Des cellules humaines dans un ordinateur ? Quand la biologie rencontre la tech pour créer une intelligence unique.
Figure, maker of the humanoid robot Figure 02, unveiled its new Helix AI in a video showing two robots working together to put away groceries. Jesse Orrall (he/him/his) is a Senior Video Producer ...
A thumb-size $100 robot from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has arrived at the south pole of the moon. But the machine, called AstroAnt, isn’t going to explore the lunar surface.
Previously, she was a writer and editor at MUO. Meta is planning to design the hardware and software for humanoid robots, according to a report from Bloomberg. Sources tell the outlet that a newly ...
A new report suggests that Apple and Meta could end up competing in the humanoid robots field. The social media company is said to be making “significant investment” in this product category ...
Facebook parent company Meta is investing heavily in AI-powered humanoid robots, according to a report from Bloomberg. Meta wants to create robots that can act like humans and help people with ...
Equipped with firework launchers, the flying drone and the robot dog sporting its own firework launcher on its back are seen in footage shooting at each other in rapid fire. The wild scene ...