Spheric Bio's implants grow inside the body once injected, to fit within the patient's unique anatomy. This could improve ... surgeons insert a device into the heart to close off an area known as the ...
After determining the indication for LAAC, preoperative TEE or cardiac computed tomography angiography (CTA) will be performed to exclude thrombus and to measure and assess LAA anatomy ... initiated ...
Congenital obstruction of the left heart encompasses a range of stenotic ... and a distal chamber that includes the left atrium and the left atrial appendage. There are several variants in the anatomy ...
Postprocedural coronary ischemia can also result from impaired coronary flow dynamics secondary to interactions between the prosthetic valve and the native aortic anatomy ... Furthermore, left atrial ...
Most surrogate biomarkers in stroke are focused on underlying pathophysiology, such as inflammation and immune system response, apoptosis, coagulation and fibrinolysis, tissue remodelling or heart ...
With no differences between single or dual antiplatelet therapy or anticoagulants at 6 months, an RCT is warranted for ...
A STUDY assessing coronary proximity in patients undergoing transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement (TPVR) with ...
Professor Im Joo Rhyu, director of the Korea University Graduate Program for Convergence & Translational Biomedicine and ...
To improve the safety of aircrafts and airport users at the Roberts International Airport, the Liberia Airport Authority (LAA) has launched a Foreign Objects Debris (FOD) Awareness initiative.
An Australian man lived for 100 days with an artificial titanium heart while he awaited a donor transplant, the longest period to date of someone with the technology. The patient, a man in his 40s ...
I am 71, and I recently saw my urologist for urinating a lot and not getting enough sleep. He performed a flow test and a ...
Even if Heart were to be proven incapable of delivering the goods in 2025, and even if the infrequency factor of how little touring they’ve done in recent years weren’t something to keep in ...