Liquid Benadryl and honey can provide relief for canker sores. However, the cause of these ulcers remains unknown. Home ...
Considering the potential for leakage, odor, and skin irritation, ostomy products are characterized by high social risk and patients are often extremely loyal. There are many configurations of ...
Gently clean the skin around your stoma with a wet washcloth or paper towel. Pat the area dry. Then put the pouch back on. Skin irritation is one of the most common problems that can happen with a ...
A woman who survived two types of cancer has told how she fundraised for the Irish Cancer Society for over 20 years without ...
while still allowing proper adhesion of ostomy appliances. This patient did not experience any application-site reactions including atrophy or irritation. This technique may be applied to ...
Some foods can cause wind, which will go into your stoma bag if you have a colostomy or ileostomy ... can give you diarrhoea and may make you feel sick. You may also have a sore mouth. These side ...
"It was hard to even think about going out because I couldn't think of anything worse than having to be standing around and talking when my stomach was really sore ... to get a stoma, sometimes ...
For thousands of stoma users, life in London is lived on a ‘loo leash’ – a daily existence dictated by the availability of ...
Help Register Login Login Hi, %{firstName}% Hi, %{firstName}% Games Car rental This video shows how to cleanse the skin surrounding an ostomy to prevent skin irritation and pain. We’ll also show you ...