An inquest has heard how a pensioner at a Newtown care home suffered from sores so severe his bones were visible through his skin.
After a patch of ice sent Marc Durocher hurtling to the ground, and doctors at UMass Memorial Medical Center repaired the ...
A WOMAN died of sepsis after a hospital "clearly" misdiagnosed her bed sore. Katrina Insleay, of Wyre Piddle, near Pershore, died of an infected pressure sore in January last year after her ...
Many people feel sick even if they don't have a fever and many have a normal body temperature lower than 98.6 degrees. How to ...
A quarter of people who go into nursing homes suffer an “adverse event,” such as infection or bed sore, said David Levine, ...
A quarter of people who go into nursing homes suffer an “adverse event,” such as infection or bed sore, said David Levine, ...
Report shows hospitals outperform pre-pandemic levels, boosting patient safety, care experience and workforce resilience.
Others doctors noted that the longer Francis is in the hospital, the more susceptible he is to other complications, like infections from catheters, bed sores, or another bout of pneumonia. Dr. Jeffrey ...