Emergent BioSolutions will lead commercial launch efforts to increase access to intranasal naloxone and combat opioid overdose poisonings in Canada<p ...
For the new study, 62 new mothers aged between 23 and 44 years old, who had an infant between three and nine months old, were ...
The oxytocin system -- which helps release breast milk and strengthens the bond between mother and baby -- may be affected during breastfeeding in mothers experiencing postnatal depression.
Breastfeeding mothers with postnatal depression show disruptions in oxytocin systems, impacting bonding and milk release.
The oxytocin system – which helps release breast milk and strengthens the bond between mother and baby – may be affected ...
Berikut adalah penjelasan tentang apa itu vaksin influenza anak, jenis-jenisnya, beserta manfaat yang bisa kita dapat.
The oxytocin system - which helps release breast milk and strengthens the bond between mother and baby - may be affected ...
who had an infant between three and nine months old, were each given a nasal spray prior to breastfeeding, containing either oxytocin or a placebo. Breast milk samples were collected during ...
Every child who is 6 months or older should get an annual flu shot. Babies and older children are at especially high risk of ...