Louisiana’s deep into crawfish season and loving it -- but it looks like this guy is in deep trouble and needs some help!
The cut-out animated shorts, initially created for his young daughter, have now been compiled into a feature-length film.
Bounding in theaters on March 14, 2025, after several delays as the first fully-animated Looney Tunes movie in Warner Bros.
How a cartoon crisis transformed a local debate into a global reckoning over censorship and religious sensitivities – one ...
North Texas’ newest theme park stars a cartoon pig named Peppa ... 2-year-old son Camilo joined me on a field trip last week to give the park a test drive. Right inside the gates was our ...
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Joan Didion’s time as a film critic comes up for discussion in Alissa Wilkinson’s new book on the essayist, We Tell Ourselves ...
After that post went up, dozens of you came rushing to the side ... "The 13 year old in me wants to give the CLA a swirly." "Every Subaru and just about every Toyota except, surprisingly, the ...
The exquisitely exacting and expensive process (three to four times more costly than reliable black and white) was a major ...
The TARDIS will be up and running again in April ... "Only Alan Cumming could give a runaway cartoon so much wit, malice, danger and fun," said showrunner Russell T Davies.
This is your cartoon and morning open thread. Which movies have you seen, and hope win tonight? Pull up a chair and let's have a chat ... is limiting our ability to attract new readers. Please give a ...