The study, published last week by Aston University researchers in the journal i-Perception, recreated one of the few solid ...
The Tank could be the most timeless watch of all time. Modeled after WWI Renault tanks, the square watch was first introduced in 1919 and, despite Cartier barely changing it since then ...
The soldiers began the practice themselves ... That only one of the rumored origins of the term "dog tag." Another says that WWI soldiers referred to their identification tags as such because ...
Daylight saving time means the clocks spring forward an hour this weekend. But in an unscientific poll, Elon Musk asked ...
A couple who are extending their property have been left stunned after unearthing a 'concerning' wartime item in their back ...
In the spring of 2004, as reports of cruelty and torture of prisoners of war at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay began to surface, I was watching the PBS Newshour during their Friday spot with ...
Alasdair is proud to carry on a tradition started by Malcolm ... play the pipes Bagpipes were carried into other battles during WW1, and again during World War Two. Piper Daniel Laidlaw won ...
John Alfred Tinniswood, who lived through both world wars, was born in Liverpool on August 26, 1912, just four months after ...
Lady Dorothy Mills trailblazed her own path as a explorer becoming the first English women in Timbuktu as well as travelling ...