A herd of cattle has died of apparent thirst after being unable to find water at a station of luxury beef giant AACo, whose ...
Less than a year after USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) announced it was nixing a major cattle ...
A herd of cattle was spotted in a north Phoenix neighborhood early on March 8 to the shock and surprise of residents.
Multiple eagles are described as a “convocation.” Turkeys, which Benjamin Franklin thought should be our national bird have ...
The costly financial and milk production consequences of H5N1 infections in US dairy have been laid bare in new research ...
Even mild cases can impact milk production, health and well-being. Researchers, citing expenses and losses farmers incur from ...
In the clip, the herd of cattle trotted over to where the baby was lying in the grass. Eager to get a closer look, the ...
Expanding the cattle herd means facing drought and weather conditions, shifting land use and feedstock and regulations, Ken ...
Since zero tariffs for cattle and beef went into effect between the U.S., Canada and Mexico in 1994, the U.S. has lost about ...
A good example is this video of a rescued cow named Manny, who lives at Uncle Neil's Home, an animal rescue in New Jersey. Manny was born with an extra leg on top of his head, and it's pretty shocking ...
In 1971, Stanley and Shirley Wratten bought about 300 acres in Madison after their barn and house in Morrisville were lost in ...