Aubrey Plaza had reportedly been separated from Jeff Baena at the time of his death earlier this year, according to a Los ...
The kind of place where “I’m just going to pop in for a minute” becomes a four-hour odyssey that leaves you emerging into the ...
The gentle hum of dozens of conversations, the squeak of shopping cart wheels, the occasional gasp of someone who’s just found something amazing. It’s the soundtrack of discovery. Then your eyes ...
Newcastle-based punk band Feral North recently dropped their latest single, Good Life. The song comes at you with its pounding beats, gritty guitar chugs and gravelly vocals and hooks you in with its ...
The scene stealers from Season 3 of The White Lotus have been pretty clear through 5 episodes: Walton Goggins (Rick), Aimee ...
ASHFALL: The word ASH is found FALLing, that is going down, in each vertical theme answer: TEXAS HOLD 'EM, SEA SHANTIES, and ALOHA SHIRTS. ASHFALL refers to airborne ASH that FALLs to the ground ...
PAGE-TURNER (Freestyle): There's no theme today, as this is a freestyle, or themeless, puzzle. The title is a nod to AVID READER (10D: Bookworm). We have a book referenced in the grid as well ...
A federal judge instructed the Trump administration to explain why its failure to turn around flights carrying deportees to El Salvador did not violate his court order. The Coconino County Sheriff ...