The 1954 painting, which is nearly 14 feet long, exceeded Christie's estimate of $2.5 million to $3.5 million.
American President John F. Kennedy talks with American television news producer Fred Friendly in the White House during the filming a televised interview entitled ‘After Two Years: A Conversation with ...
Dozens of people packed an auction at Brockton City Hall for a chance to scoop up 9 houses and lots. All but one sold and one started a bidding war.
It is officially the last few hours to bid in the SteinbachOnline Auction and the Save More Manitoba Auction presented by ...
The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Foundation announces a new “Saturday Night Live” exhibit is in the works honoring the great ...
Sotheby’s has confirmed that the screen-used model of the alien ET will be up for auction starting at 600,000 US dollars (£462,000).
Originally gifted to Oslo University Hospital by Dr. Volodarsky, the proceeds from the sale will go toward building a new ...
My fiancé Arron and I had just got done with dinner he convinced me to go to a Goodwill store,” she explained. “We did a lap ...
CRESCENT CITY COIN CLUB SHOW: The Crescent City Coin Club will host a show March 29, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., at The Landing Ballroom, ...
PROVIDENCE – One Financial Plaza, one of Providence's most prominent skyscrapers abutting Kennedy Plaza, will go on the ...