Russian media outlets, Telegram channels, and bots on X are spreading a photo that allegedly was taken in a city in the U.S. state of California. The image shows graffiti with President Volodymyr ...
Weeks after stating she is "very proud" of her son's talent, Emily took to her Instagram Stories to share an update on Theo's artistic skills. An angular letter 'S' had been drawn in pencil and shaded ...
The lighting project is expected to last until summer 2026. Existing light poles will either be replaced or upgraded on a stretch of highway from the Mississippi River to east of the “tri-level” ...
Semitism, the failed management of multiculturalism, the decline of institutional cohesion and collapse of civic responsibility have been laid bare.
There's a moment when a marriage ends and a wedding ring is taken off for the last time that symbolizes a fresh, new start.
Getting a partner's name tattooed forever on your body might sound like a romantic way to cement your love this Valentine's ...
I like the Laguna Art Museum’s new mural project to refresh the facade and generate interest with its ‘Every Single One’ ...
Arizona’s culinary scene is swimming with hidden gems that’ll make you forget you’re in the desert. Let’s dive into seven ...
Commuters on I-490 West in downtown Rochester encountered an unexpected sight on Thursday.Graffiti with the words “Who will kill Elon?” appeared on the 490 off-ramp bridge to Howell Street, seemingly ...
Harrison Ford took the serious film route under the direction of Peter Weir for the crime drama Witness. The film stars Ford ...
You're reading AL-Monitor City Pulse — Istanbul, a weekly exploration of Istanbul’s vibrant arts and culture scene with insights on key social happenings and off the beaten path recommendations. To ...
Stéphane Pascalon's Tesla fan club brings people together to share their pride for the company's cars, but that pride has ...