Don't act impulsively, Aries. You are prone to jumping to conclusions and rushing toward a finish line without much strategy. While your tenacious spirit benefits you often, today is a day to heed ...
You may get a bad rap sometimes for your carefree ways, but you can be a super hard worker, Pisces. Today, you'll double down on that tenacious energy to get things done. Avoid procrastination ...
You are winning, Taurus. Even during times when you feel like you aren't, you are. Continue to foster deep connections with coworkers, colleagues and people you meet each day. Create memorable ...
How do you handle intellectual debates and on-going challenges to your belief systems? Do you argue or detach from people who are different from you? Do you look for common ground to see how you ...
You have something you know is of value, but are you feeling insecure about sharing it with the world? It takes courage to share your ideas, and you may fear being rejected. However, how will ...
Do you have a future trip you need to take but don't want to do? Sometimes, breaking out of your ordinary routine seems very inconvenient. That's why it's important to plan ahead and get ...
Endings are such a bittersweet time, Aries. You may try to avoid a chapter in your life coming to a close, but what if this is a sweet start to something new? Shed what was to make room for a ...
How active is your imagination, Sagittarius? When was the last time you day dreamed? You may need to dabble in an art or something you enjoy doing to spark your creative nature if it's duller than ...
One thing you know how to do well is make a solid decision. It could be that your analytical mind often detaches from a problem to avoid blind spots caused by emotional biases. Today, you may be ...
Being a fertile, living, giving being extends beyond having a physical child. You may give birth to a project, an idea or a business. Today, your ability to breathe life into something beautiful ...
Be confident in your experiences. Childhood memories often are different for the same people who shared an experience. This is due to the different personalities you each have. Instead of letting ...
Do you ever feel like you're missing out on meeting someone better than you see now because of your relationship status? Today, wandering eyes could pull you in a direction that leads toward ...