The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) flunixin meglumine has been approved by the FDA for fever associated with ...
Foot rot or “foul foot” is a necrotic infectious disease of cattle (and other livestock) which causes swelling and lameness in one or more feet. “Necrotic” implies tissue decay and death, and if ...
Letters on impact of tariffs, Gov. Kevin Stitt's support for public education, lawsuit schemes and protecting Medicaid.
She won’t sell, so he has his hired hands cut off the stream that her cattle depend on or burn her ... is that the ostrich forgets that a foot or a wild animal may destroy the eggs.
With a reputation for causing headaches for producers in the livestock industry, foot rot accounts for most cases of lameness in pastured cattle. The infection is caused by bacteria present in the ...
Buy Rot, Padraic X. Scanlan (Basic ... her five marriages and her skillful running of one of Canada’s largest cattle- and horse-rustling rings (locals called her home “the Robber’s Roost”).
"They just drop-and-rot, which I do not agree with at all ... the killing of joeys and the risk of orphaning young at-foot to be "unacceptable". According to the National Code, unfurred pouch ...