into the rectum to visualize the inside of the colon and use specialized tools to break up and remove the impacted stool. Surgical disimpaction: Surgery is a more invasive treatment that ...
PARIS — Paris Fashion Week witnessed a debut show on Friday from one of the most unusually named brands in the luxury clothing industry: Matieres Fecales, which means fecal matter in French. After ...
A test for fecal occult blood looks for blood in your poop, or feces. It can be a sign of a problem in your digestive system, such as a growth, or polyp, or cancer in the colon or rectum.
Major bowel operations assisted by robots have "significantly improved outcomes for patients", a hospital trust said. Surgeons have been assisted in 100 operations at Ashford and St Peter's ...
A concentrated form of cherry juice could help relieve the symptoms of bowel disease, a new study has found. Researchers found that just two glasses a day of Montmorency cherry juice can slash ...
You will find that your digestion takes time to settle down after bowel cancer treatment. Everyone is different. How long it takes can depend on the type of surgery and treatment you’ve had. Some ...
Bowel cancer can start in the large bowel (colon cancer) or back passage (rectal cancer). It is also called colorectal cancer. Getting practical and emotional support can help you to cope with a ...
Inflammatory bowel disease is a chronic condition of unknown origin characterized by severe inflammation and mucosal destruction in the intestine. There are two main forms: Crohn s disease ...
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that can lead to blood in bowel movements. It can also change the frequency and color of poop. Medications, diets, and lifestyle changes ...
Pooping can have physiological and psychological effects that may feel pleasurable. Passing a bowel movement involves tension in certain muscles. Relaxing the muscles after a motion stimulates the ...
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) refers to long-term conditions that involve inflammation of the digestive tract or gut. It can lead to a range of digestive symptoms. According to the Centers for ...