China signed no new loans to Cambodia last year, latest data from Cambodia's finance ministry shows, in a dramatic reversal by the country's top creditor that if continued could affect infrastructure ...
Workers are completing Cambodia's first Church to be built since a 31-year civil war broke out in 1967. The cathedral, in ...
The Cambodian government has approved at least three new irrigation dams across the Cardamom Mountains, carving even deeper ...
Denzel Washington's charm in American Gangster can persuade anyone to delve into the many crime epics of cinema. Here are ...
Harriet Kideckel and Mark Evans, both in their mid-70s, found each other more than three years ago and have never looked back ...
The torso, believed to be from the 12th or 13th century, was discovered during a dig by a team of Cambodian and Indian ...
The third volume of Peter Weiss’s masterwork The Aesthetics of Resistance opens with the narrator describing the murder of ...
Energy Secretary Ed Miliband says there are lessons to be learned after substation fire led to major flight disruption on ...
The shock loss by Cambodian fighter Bird Songkherm in his 59kg title defence at the “XTreme Cambodia Kun Khmer Fight of the ...
Favourable weather over past year has helped lift global stockpiles for a second season, and a further flood of the crop is ...