What is the purpose of human personality and character? When is it disordered? And aren't we all personality disordered in ...
Hostile, irritable, or suspicious? Which of these best describes the aversive people in your life? New personality research ...
During the late 18th century, a flurry of social, political and economic changes offered many a new vision of personal ...
When things don’t go as planned, the “burnt toast theory” serves as a reminder that the bigger picture may be unfolding in ...
As you can probably guess, people who asked follow-up questions—questions designed to elicit more information, or deeper perspectives, or the other person’s thoughts or feelings—were perceived as ...
When it comes to analyzing personalities, there are many models that psychologists can use. The HEXACO personality inventory ...
Matter is made up of small particles called atoms. Atoms can exist on their own or together as molecules. Atoms are very small and around 100,000,000 of them end to end would measure 1 centimetre ...
[paper] [code] [EMNLP-16]: Attention-based LSTM for Aspect-level Sentiment Classification. [paper] [code] [EMNLP-16]: A Hierarchical Model of Reviews for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper] ...