As the issue of independent review of the food industry’s GRAS declarations emerged, on another food safety issue Beyond ...
Bayer, the corporation behind Roundup herbicide, has paid out nearly $11 billion in lawsuits. Trump's EPA might move to block ...
In Newcastle, Australia, hundreds of corellas fell from trees in distress, many disoriented and bleeding, with euthanasia ...
A U.S. federal judge recently ordered the Trump administration’s Fish and Wildlife Service to complete assessments on the impacts of six pesticides and the steps needed to protect endangered species ...
Look for the sensitive areas in your fields now, advises Steve Pitstick, who farms 50 miles west of the Chicago suburbs. Be ...
The Girl Scouts are being sued after a study commissioned by consumer advocacy groups revealed the presence of heavy metals ...
The administrator of the U.S. EPA says the agency is taking a more efficient approach when it comes to the review and ...
Hundreds of corellas fell from trees in Newcastle, Australia, exhibiting distress and bleeding. The cause is suspected to be ...
A new report found traces of toxic heavy metals and herbicide in Girl Scout cookies. Do you need to avoid them?
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is calling for the public's help in its investigation into the suspected mass poisoning of hundreds of ...
Researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara, found that wildfire ash can fertilize algae, which can lead to a ...