Maintaining a flea and tick prevention routine is an important responsibility of being a pet parent. Ticks and fleas carry ...
Products such as K9 Advantix® II are recommended and trusted by veterinarians to prevent tick bites that can cause Lyme ...
As the mercury rises so do those gnarly pests fleas and tick. No worries! We've done the research on available flea and tick ...
My dog and I love going out for walks, especially now that spring is here. However, the pests are out there also. How soon ...
Ticks are most active when the temperature rises above 40 degrees, according to Grayson. He said the solution to avoiding ...
It’s a sunny afternoon in the Philippines and you’re lounging with your beloved furbaby, then you spot it — a tiny, uninvited ...
Rescue DOG has seen a large uptake in numbers of Lyme positive dogs this year. One out of five dogs tested are coming back ...
Ticks are commonly found in long grass, woodlands, hedges, and areas with sheep or wildlife. If you have a dog or cat, be sure that they are up to date with their flea and tick treatment as this will ...