These wood-carved Dungeons and Dragons minis are too cute - and their creator, Johnny Layton, says you could easily make your own.
Also, since so many beings speak Common, it doesn't necessarily have a primary population of speakers, though the game ...
“Dungeons & Dragons: The Twenty-Sided Tavern” has revealed its slate of guest stars for its final performances before the show hits the road and embarks on a national tour. As previously ...
The Fighter is one of the oldest classes in RPG history, and they first appeared in the early Dungeons & Dragons books in the 1970s. They're also present in other games, even if referred to by ...
The remains of the Lapedo Child, found in Portugal in 1998, showed signs of being both Neanderthal and human, as later confirmed by DNA. New techniques in radiocarbon dating allowed scientists to ...
The live-action Dungeons & Dragons adventure arrives on Netflix in the US today, February 26th. While it has previously been available to stream via Paramount Plus, Netflix remains one of the most ...
Lionsgate and Hasbro's upcoming Monopoly movie will be penned by the duo who bought us the criminally underrated Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves film. Deadline reports John Francis Daley ...
The discovery clashes with the traditional image of humans evolving on the savannas of East Africa. By Carl Zimmer For generations, scientists looked to the East African savanna as the birthplace ...
Humans lived under the leafy canopy of a West African rainforest by at least 150,000 years ago. Previously, the oldest secure evidence for humans living in African rainforests dated to about ...
DnD Half-elf characters were born by Human and Elf parents and inherit both of their ancestral traits. Their racial traits include Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, and Skill Versatility. Half-elves are ...
Humans were living in a tropical rainforest in West Africa 150,000 years ago. The finding pushes human habitation of tropical forests much further back in time, suggesting our ancestors were able ...
New Unearthed Arcana updates classic campaign setting content. Dragonmark Feats in Eberron will now be classed as Feats with upgradeable options. Artificer receives updates, including a new ...