Ambrosia and nectar were the food and drink of the gods symbolizing the divine nature and immortality of the Olympians.
Ancient Greek women were defiant and established themselves as respected doctors, philosophers, and mathematicians in Greece thousands of years ago.
Plus, after The Last Voyage of the Demeter, he has personal experience ... (Imagine the reaction on epic poem message boards in Ancient Greece? They must have been furious about all the “fan ...
For his final task, Eurystheus ordered Heracles to go to the Underworld and bring back Cerberus, the three-headed guard dog of Hades. To enter Hades’s realm, Heracles underwent initiation into ...
Instead of defaulting to the notifications on my phone, poetry has inspired me to begin the day in a different way. By Charley Locke Most mornings, as soon as I wake up, I feel the pull of my phone.
He didn’t read book reviews—or so he claimed—and he didn’t write them, preferring instead to let his poems find their natural audience, which turned out to be a wide one. He mocked ...
As a poet myself now, that fascination with the written word remains, although it has evolved from limericks to sonnets and free-verse love poems as well. I often hear from peers and students that ...
The poet joins Kevin Young to read and discuss “I have slept in many places, for years on mattresses that entered,” by Diane Seuss, and his own poem “This Is a Test of the Federal Emergency ...
But maybe it was not science fiction but poetry, the art of intimations and intuitions, that enabled some writers to describe what had not yet happened. Then again, what we think of as intuition ...