There is a semi-old adage that says if something walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a ...
Birds such as Shoveler, Pintail, Gadwall, Wigeon, Common Pochard, Garganey, Tufted Duck, Common Teal, and Coot have already begun leaving while certain wader birds like Lesser whistling duck ...
Every December, groups of birders set out to identify and count birds in specified areas as part of a citizen science project ...
I have been anxiously waiting for this long winter to end. As spring slowly takes over from Northeast Ohio’s wintry cold, we notice the first signs of spring that are dear to us. For me, on the forest ...
Few experiences in a hunter’s life compare with acquiring an over-the-counter tag for an emperor goose, or hunting a flock of 80,000 brant or any other of the myriad waterfowl that live on the Alaska ...
Watch and listen for an array of woodpeckers and herons along with lingering migratory waterfowl and year-round residents such as wood ducks and ... the lookout for common gallinule, American white ...
Local bird lovers greatest fear was an oil spillage in the harbour, members of Chichester Probus club were told at their ...