Acute pancreatitis occurs when symptoms appear suddenly. These may include pain in the upper left abdomen that spreads to the back, fever, nausea, vomiting, and a fast heart rate. Chronic ...
Alcohol doesn’t just impact the liver, it wreaks havoc on the entire digestive system. From inflamed gums and acid reflux to ...
This is the best thing for your dog. It is not going to be much cheaper than the prescription diet, but if you can afford it, I would recommend you make a diet based on lean chicken. You can make up ...
A new framework for the categorization and management of chylomicronemia - an extreme form of hypertriglyceridemia defined as triglyceride (TG) ...
A man with cystic fibrosis who has to do a two-hour round trip to get medication to keep him alive said a shortage of the ...
even after censoring for recurrent acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis. A similar association was observed for non–alcohol-related non–gallstone-related episodes (aHR, 1.46 ...
The pain often radiates to your back. AP can also involve other organs. It can also develop into chronic pancreatitis if you have continued episodes. This may be related to environmental factors ...
The grant will fuel Dudeja's pivotal clinical trial, titled "Clinical Trial Evaluating Pirfenidone as a Novel Treatment for Chronic Pancreatitis." Pirfenidone, currently used to treat idiopathic lung ...
Prebiotics are compounds that feed the friendly bacteria in your gut. They include indigestible carbohydrates, such as inulin ...
Pancreatic cancer is a serious illness that starts in the pancreas, an organ located behind the stomach. The pancreas is ...