There could also be a reduction in the amount of feed that the rumen can absorb, meaning cattle might require more food, increasing costs to farmers. The goal of the study is to answer these quest ...
It’s widely known that cattle burps are a major contributor to global warming. The main culprit is methane, a greenhouse gas by-product of the fermentation processes in a bovine’s rumen ...
Optimizing cattle nutrition for sustainable dairy farming: reduce methane emissions, boost milk production, and enhance ...
Beef cattle on grain diet have white fat, depending on the length of time they have fed on the grains.The other class of weight is more than 500kgs live weight. The weight can go up to the maximum ...
Beef cattle producers and consulting nutritionists who would like to learn more about feeding beef cattle may attend the Advanced Beef Cattle Nutrition course, hosted by Penn State Extension. The ...
Cattle are ruminants, meaning part of their digestive system (the rumen) is designed to ferment low-nutrition foods like grasses and leaves. It contains an assortment of microbes that help them ...
Dr Sinéad Waters is a microbiologist at the University of Galway, who investigates the microbiome; the community of microbes found in the rumen of animals such as cattle and sheep, which acts ...
Ensure a smooth transition to spring grass with expert grazing strategies, rumen health tips, and nutritional advice to boost cow performance ...