Hair loss patches or areas of thinning, red or inflamed skin, dry or flaking areas could be signs of an underlying problem. If you spot anything of concern, chat this through with your vet. More ...
The fifth anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic, Moises Kaufman's "Here There Are Blueberries" and the Vienna Philharmonic: ...
PDSA pet expert answers your questions... Dear PDSA, I love my Golden Retriever, Baxter, but he sheds hair everywhere! And not just in Spring and Summer – all through Winter too. Is there ...
Ringworm in horses is a common fungal skin infection that, despite what its name suggests, isn’t caused by a worm but by a type of fungus and it usually requires treatment. Ringworm is a highly ...
Cat owners have been alerted to a potential health ... and neurological signs like tremors, stiff body movements, seizure, lack of coordination or blindness," the notice says.
Rachael Robertson details to PEOPLE how she took her former foster cat, Garbanzo, back in almost four years after initially taking care of the animal and her littermates.
The Universe abhors a vacuum. Also a leaf blower. Sometimes a broom. The Universe loves the rug folded on the ottoman. And a ...
Whiskas is on a mission to convert ‘cat haters’ into ‘cat lovers’, via a program and partnership with Essencemediacom, Chep Network and AMV BBDO. The announcement: WHISKAS®, a trusted ...