A Central Texas teen, cancer-free at 17, received a prized Brahman heifer at the Houston Rodeo, fulfilling a lifelong dream.
Cattle and humans have an intertwined history; people have been raising cattle for meat and hides for thousands of years.
Meat farming has a promising future worldwide because production has not increased in recent years, while purchasing power ...
A staple of Texas agriculture and the longtime host of Farm and Ranch News, Horace McQueen, has died. He was 86.
The aim of this project is to increase the genetic improvement of non-descript cows through the supply of 1.2 million foreign (Friesian, Brahman, Angus, Nellore, Red Sindhi and Gir breed ...
THE 1997 climate-induced drought was one of the strongest and worst scenarios in the memory of Papua New Guinea.
Hillwood, a real estate giant known for huge developments like AllianceTexas, has an entire division devoted to raising cattle ... 7 named the company's black Brahman crosses the overall reserve ...