Frito-Lay just dropped four new snacks, from Cajun-spiced chips to Golden Sriracha Doritos. Here’s where to find them now.
Lay's Kettle Cooked Indian Tikka Masala We're always a pretty big fan of curry-flavored chips, and so we were thrilled when Lay's brought out its Kettle Cooked Indian Tikka Masala flavor back in 2016.
March 23 is National Chip and Dip Day. From classic chips and guac to innovative combos like kale chips and mango salsa, get ...
A grocery store owner has placed a cheeky signboard on a chips rack to nudge confused customers who keep thinking Konsa Lay's lu. The runways of Paris Fashion week witnessed the collaboration of a big ...
What does it take to make a bag of Lay's potato chips? In this video, online food reviewer Kevin Noparvar embarks on a journey to find out. Check out the full PepsiCo story here. This post was ...