Fulfilling the commandment of circumcision means taking the ordinary body of a human being and transforming it into something ...
Insofar as curiosity is an expression of pride and a vessel for temptation, it is certainly right for Christians to caution ...
The Trump administration's blueprints for remaking the EPA outline 31 regulations to eliminate or significantly scale back.
Jesus teaches the primacy of the law, but it is not the letter of the law that matters — literalism is the dehumanizing aspect of all bureaucracy — but the spirit i.e. justice for all, and ...
Yahweh. The God of the Covenant. The one who cannot lie (Numbers 23:19). The one who spoke the stars into existence (Genesis 1:14–19). The one who commands the winds and waves, and they obey (Matthew ...
The chaos we see is not random. It is the direct result of lies—about history, about morality, about the very nature of ...
Gifts, talents, and special abilities are distributed from God within the personal blueprint of our calling. Yes, all of ...