Colorado experienced record-high volumes of conflict between bears and humans last year. While human-bear conflict increased ...
Black bear mating season takes place during the summer, but embryos do not begin to develop until the mother bear enters her ...
Colorado Parks and Wildlife is offering $1 million in grant funding to provide Colorado communities with resources to reduce human-bear conflicts through the Human-Bear Conflict Reduction Community ...
He went from running around 26 acres of land to being cooped up in a small room here, and he is really struggling,” the New ...
As grizzly bears continue expanding eastward outside of federal recovery zones, landowners are prepping for life with their ...
If you like your backyard sans bears, it’s time to remove birdfeeders. As spring arrives, Michigan’s 12,000 black bears are ...
Snow and nearly freezing temperatures are no deterrent for Lake Tahoe’s dedicated scuba divers. “Wintertime diving — I feel ...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) recently announced that it plans to continue listing grizzly bears as an endangered species, but while bear advocates are celebrating this announcement, it ...
As the weather warms, thousands of hungry black bears across northern Michigan will leave their dens and go hunting for food ...
With a single tusk that made him stand out, the majestic bull elephant Unicorn was a true king among the wild herds of ...
At Natural History, the latest spot on an increasingly lively stretch of Somerset Street West, I took a seat next to a bear ...
Not only were ancient sculptures multi-colored, they were also scented with perfumes, oils, and flower arrangements.