The Swedish fighters escorted the B-52s to Vidsel Test Range, where the bombers released GBU-30 joint direct attack munitions ...
Thanks to their long range, these bombers can carry various types of armament, including cruise missiles and nuclear bombs.
The most striking aspect of a mission that involved two B-52H Stratofortresses flying over Sweden on Tuesday was not the fact that the bombers conducted the B-52’s first live weapons drop in the ...
The B-52H Stratofortress is a strategic bomber developed by Boeing. It is capable of carrying over 66,000 pounds of various types of armament, including conventional weapons (bombs, mines ...
The B-52H Stratofortress adorned with DayGlo orange markings on its nose, engines, wingtips and tail was spotted passing over Amarillo last week on a flight from Barksdale AFB, La., on the way ...
Donald Trump today flew American B-52H bombers less than 50 miles from the Russian border over frontline NATO state Estonia. The show of strength came as the ex-Soviet state - seen as the Alliance ...
Multiple B-52H bombers took flight from the British Isles to the Middle East last week accompanied by Israeli aircraft. A move which will not go unnoticed by Iran’s top brass. Four United States ...
Two U.S. B-52H Stratofortresses recently carried out live fire weapons drops over a test range in Sweden. (Master Sgt. Chris Hibben/Air Force) A pair of B-52H Stratofortresses on Tuesday carried ...