Using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), Chinese astronomers have detected a new ultra-faint ...
Einsteinium-255, produced through irradiation in ILL’s high-flux reactor, provided a continuous supply of fermium-255, ...
If the bomb detonated at or near ground level, a towering mushroom cloud would form, sucking up soil, steel, concrete, and ...
Two experiment collaborations, the g2p and EG4 collaborations, combined their complementary data on the proton’s inner structure to improve calculations of a phenomenon in atomic physics known as the ...
In 2010, atomic physicists at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland measured the radius of a proton in muonic hydrogen and found it was smaller than previously thought. This unexpected ...
Donald Trump said nuclear weapons were the 'greatest threat to humanity', the deadliest one America has is much stronger than ...
Scientists propose to use self-assembled Ru LPH molecular coatings for next-generation hard disk drives, but there are major obstacles.
Two government model sanskriti schools in each district will be developed as a centre of excellence in sports, and centre of ...
The Kremlin claimed that they had got everything they wanted in the peace talk negotiations, earning more favour from the US ...
The impact zone would have a radius of around 50 kilometres (30 miles), though Nasa and other space agencies are hopeful that the asteroid does not pose a serious threat to Earth. Nasa has already ...
Had Nazi Germany successfully pursued its nuclear weapons program, the outcome of the Second World War would have been very ...
This version has been out since 2019, but the blackcrows Navis Freebird is still one of the most friendly, truly usable ...