Ram Gopal Varma shared in his X post that as the film Satya was coming to a close, he was deeply moved and overwhelmed by the experience of watching it after 27 years.
Matthew McConaughey shared a set of images with his celebrity pals on Instagram from the 2025 Joy Awards and nominated ...
Matthew McConaughey wants his 87-year-old 'Amistad' co-star Sir Anthony Hopkins to be named People's Sexiest Man Alive.
Setting and obtaining goals is one of the biggest parts of starting any type of business... and a huge motivator for life in ...
The Oscars have given out 96 awards for Best Picture in their long history. Here’s one thing you should know about each film, ...
Watching 'Twin Peaks', 'Blue Velvet' and the director behind them interrogating a monkey is the best way to pay tribute to a filmmaker like no other.